ŠKUC Info Centre

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Info Center ŠKUC
Stari trg 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 3142

The ŠKUC Info Centre is a reliable information service at the Student Cultural Centre (ŠKUC) and was established in 1998 as an information provider for students and young people. Its main task is to offer information about culture, work opportunities, formal and informal education, voluntary work, activism, and tourism within the borders of Slovenia and beyond. It provides databases of active holiday destinations and itineraries as well as leisure and social activities. The centre seeks to raise awareness in young people of their right to be informed.

The centre organises workshops to promote ideas on how young people can spend their free time in creative and educational ways. It also sells tickets for concerts organised by ŠKUC (holders of the EURO<26 and ISIC cards are entitled to a discount). ŠKUC Info Centre is part of the Ljubljana Network of Info Points (L'MIT) and regional Eurodesk partner in Slovenia.

See also

External links


... more about "ŠKUC Info Centre"
Info Center ŠKUC +
Info Center ŠKUC +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Stari trg 21 +
The ŠKUC Info Centre is a reliable information service at the Student Cultural Centre (ŠKUC) and was established in 1998 as an information provider for students and young people. +
The ŠKUC Info Centre is a reliable information service at the Student Cultural Centre (ŠKUC) and was established in 1998 as an information provider for students and young people. +
+386 / 1 421 3142 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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